
Grilled Skewers with Yogurt Sauce and Pita

Serves: 4

Author: Sweta, @thetableofspice

"This recipe for chicken zaatar skewers and spicy garlic yogurt sauce is seriously the only way to cool off this summer. It doesn't require much work which is perfect for this summer heat we're all facing, and it doesn't require much cooking time. Al Fresco chicken sausages are already fully cooked so you're only cooking the veggies and while the veggies cook you can make the yogurt sauce and heat up the pita! This meal comes together so quickly and you can use any Al Fresco sausage of choice."


1 package of al fresco Chicken sausage of choice

1 zucchini, cut into cubes

1 bell pepper, cut into cubes

1 onion, cut into quarters

4 Pita's


3 tbsp avocado oil

1 tbsp za'atar seasoning

2 tsp smoked paprika, cumin, and oregano

Juice of 1 lime


1/2 cup yogurt

1 clove garlic

1 tsp sugar

2 tsp smoked paprika and dried oregano


  • 1In a bowl mix everything for the yogurt sauce, mix and place in the fridge until ready to use.
  • 2In a bowl mix everything together for the marinate and add in your chopped veggies of choice and Al fresco Chicken sausage.
  • 3Mix everything together and skew them on a wooden or metal skewer.
  • 4Grill on a cast iron or grill on med/high heat until veggies are charred.